Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We have a Visitor!

We have a visitor for the next few days! It's Daddy's Mummy! Here's a photo of Daddy with his Mummy. They went for a walk along the see...

I think Daddy has secretly missed his Mummy. I know that I would miss Daddy if I lived far away from him. Here is another photo of Daddy with his Mummy, it looks like they are having a lot of fun...

We missed Daddy's Mummy too. Nishiko and Me fell asleep with Daddy's Mummy when we were living in our old house, when we were kittens...

Xanthe xxx


  1. Lovely photo's especialy the last one. Enjoy you visit from grandma.. Hugs GJ xx

  2. Grammas are a ton of fun! We love ours, she picks us up and smooches us. Looks like yours is a smoocher, too!

  3. Oh, have fun with your Daddy's Mummy!!

  4. I love the last photo sooo much! Have a wonderful visit!

  5. Your daddy's mummy sounds like a wonderful visitor! We are glad you are all enjoying your time with her. :) We LOVE that last picture!


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