Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

From 2 April to 2 May 2011, thousands of people up and down the UK will be celebrating life with their pets, spreading the word on responsible pet ownership or raising money for their favourite charity in fun-filled events. Why? Because it is National Pet Month!

Our lives have been enriched by our gorgeous girls, Nishiko and Xanthe, since they first arrived together into our home as 7 week old kittens back in July 2009... Here are parts of the very first videos we took of them. Nishiko was sound asleep in their bed while Xanthe was wide awake, keeping us up rather late that first evening with them...

To celebrate National Pet Month with me, why not use Wordy Wednesday for the next four weeks to tell everyone how your precious Kitizens, Woofies and other Furries have enriched your life?

If you would like to find out more about National Pet Month, please click the new banner above for more information.

Kitty xxx


  1. Nishiko is unbelievable cute !

  2. What a wonderful idea to have National Pet Month!

  3. you were one of the winners of the Pet Charity donation on my blog! Please email me and let me know the charity you would like me to donate $25 to, cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com


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