Thursday, March 03, 2011

The Fight Against The Germ Mans

My Dear Xanthe and Me were allowed in the bedroom again last night.

Mummy is still full of the yucky stuff.

Now Mummy told me that the Germs Mans could not be seen by human eyes or cat eyes, but she forgot about cat noses! I fought off those Terrible Germ Mans last night and Mummy was able to get it on film! Take a look at my fight witht he Germ Mans!



  1. Wow, Nishiko, your fighting skills are amazing! Very impressive!

  2. Oh! You are VERY good at fighting!!

    Hope your momma is better soon.

  3. LOL, that video was great!! Nishi did a stellar job defeating the "germ mans!" p.s. loved the song playing in the background, too!


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