Sunday, August 08, 2010

World Cat Day 2010

Oh what a great day to have! A day to celebrate how great we are in Mummy's and Daddy's lives! To honor our greatdom we've asked Mummy to post some of our favourite photos with her and Daddy in them, many of them you may not have seen before! Enjoy...

Happy World Cat Day to all our Kitizens!

Nishiko and Xanthe


  1. Those are all such wonderful photos! Our favourites are the second and last: kitty kisses between feline and human. Beautiful.

    Happy World Cat Day!

  2. Such loving photos of the kitties and their beloved mum and dad. I can feel how much they are loved.

  3. Happiest of World Cat Days to you!!

  4. Those are great pictures! We really like that last one!! Happy World Cat Day!

  5. Looks like you guys are very loved! Happy World Cat Day!

  6. oh so many bengal keeses!


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