Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pretty Kitty!

I love rolling on the bed! It's so soft and bouncy. Mummy took these photos of me after we had made the bed.

There has been some good news for Mummy this week. She's applied to become a Beauty Consultant for someone called Oriflame? She keeps coming to bed with interesting smells around her, but luckily no flames! Mummy says that the things she sells only make humans prettier so I won't be able to use them even though it smells so good! Although, she tells me that I'm too pretty and wouldn't need anything else.

Nishiko xxx


  1. You are definitely lovely and your mom is right. You are gorgeous and you don't need anything else.

    Good luck with your mommy's beauty consulting :). I would need some consulting myself.

  2. Looks like you have a great bed for rolling around on and napping on!

    We agree with your mommy that you don't need anything else - you are pretty enough as it is!

    Charlemagne and Tamar


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