Meow to All! Mummy and Me have come up with a great idea for raising money for Red Nose Day/Comic Relief!
Mummy, under my snoopervision, will design a picture of all kitizens and woofies with Big Red Noses. I have got one already... Here it is!
Don't I look funny?
If you would like a Big Red Nose and look funny like Me, here is what you will need to do...
1. Click our big banner above and donate as little as £1.00/$2.00/€1.50.
2. Send your photo to Me at
3. Mummy will make your picture under my snoopervision.
5. Your picture will then be posted on Kitty's Cat Chat.
I said to Mummy that it would be cool if she could do 100 pictures before Red Nose Day, that is on March 15th. She said that that would depend on how many Kitizens and their Mummys and Daddys would like to help us with our fundraising project. I hope a lot of you will want to wear a Red Nose just like Me! On Red Nose Day a special post will be showing all Kitizens and Woofies in one picture like a patchwork blanket. How cool is that?
N.B. from Kitty: Gosh Nishiko sure likes me to keep busy but at least it is for a good cause! All Red Nose pictures will be posted on Kitty's Cat Chat every Tuesday from now until March 15th. Red Nose Day is on March 18th. For more information on Comic Relief please read my Wordy Wednesday post tomorrow, which will explain all.
Kitty xxx