Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kitty Problem Solving... Part 1

My Mum's cat, Ziya, is apparently not digging over her messes when she is in the garden... My Dear Old Grandad isn't very happy with this as he lives right next door... Hmmm, I thought I'd look online to see if I could help out with the situation and offer some helpful tips to improve the problem... So here's the beginning of my Problem Solving articles - thanks for the idea, Mum!...

I've read that some cats who don't cover their messes do this a sign of dominance, it's like leaving his or her scent just like in the wild. He or she is letting other cats know who is the boss. Domestic cats will tend to do this if it feels threatened by the arrival of a new cat or kitten into the family abode. To verify if this is the situation with Ziya, she would have stopped covering her messes in her litter tray too. N.B. > All other cats will remain covering theirs...

With regards to the garden, it may help to place some soil in the areas the cat commonly uses as a latrine so that the cat 'accidentally' elimates on it when the cat goes in his or her usual areas? If the cat starts this, you could then add more soil and the cat may eventually begin to dig and cover his or her mess in the usual way. In the meantime, it is best to clean up after the cat with a 'pooper scooper'.

With regards to the house, it is always useful to have as many litter trays as there are cats. This way each cat will have it's own litter tray... Place them in different areas of the house, in places where the cat isn't going to be disturbed while it is doing its 'business'. Remember to remove all clumps of litter and 'number 2s' on a daily basis and replenish with clean litter as necessary. Clean the litter tray completely at least once a week; avoid using strong smelling chemicals or cleaning products when washing the litter tray, as doing so may cause your cat to avoid using the litter tray. N.B. > Some cleaning products are toxic to cats. Check the following link for alternative cleaning solutions that you can find around the house such as Vinegar, Baking Soda and Lemons! hehe...

If anyone else has any helpful tip please don't hesitate to leave a comment!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Searching for the Right Kitten - Part 8

Evening all... Awww, what sad news about Michael Jackson... R.I.P and hugs to all those citizens and kitizens who are mourning his death...

Don and I were searching the Internet last night for free samples of cat food for our kitten, lol... I know it's a bit early for it but as my dear old grandad has always taught me: prior preparation prevents piss poor performance, hehe...

So now Xanthe(y) has become Xanthe(e)... Don't ask me why... Apparently it's more unconventional??? haha!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Searching for the Right Kitten - Part 7

Good evening All!

Well, the poll is underway... and we don't have many peeps participating yet... Although it has only been up for 24 hours and there are 6 days to go, so I'm staying hopeful that more people will take part.

I've been in contact with the breeder this evening and we've have booked a day this weekend to see the litter, woohoo! Apparently, all the kittens are females, which I find quite unusual but Don and I are still excited and waiting impatiently, lol... We've already decided on names... If it was a male kitty, his name would be Daedalus and if it was a female kitty, her name would be Xanthe(y) - note I like to add the 'y' on the end, Don says 'Xanthe' will be the actual name though, lol... I shall try and take some photos this weekend to show you all later next week...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Searching for the Right Kitten - Part 6

Hello to All! I hope you've all had a good weekend?

I've been reading about buying pedigree kittens in the last couple of days in the Your Cat Magazine, July 2009 issue... Yes I've moved straight onto the next issue already!

The magazine lists the 'Top 5 Cat Breeds' as the following:
- the British Shorthair
- the Siamese
- the Bengal - which is the pedigree Don and I are hoping to buy
- the Persian
- the Burmese.

The magazine states that before we buy our chosen breed we much find out as much as we can about it... Hmmm, well I've read about the pedigree on wiki and many other sites and I know that Don has also done his research too. We've also spoken to a few breeders... So next step is to visit the kittens, which is going to be taking place this weekend... Yes, we are very excited! Now we have to make sure that the kittens are seen with their mum and that all of them looks clean, happy, healthy and alert... No problem, I'll remember that, lol... Now, Don and I are not planning to show our kitten so we don't need to worry about the stardard requirements for show cats...

Ooo... There are more things to say but I'll mention those tomorrow, lol... Hehe the house is all clean now! I'm going to chillout with some ice cream and do some more reading...

By the way, I hope you all like the new look of this blog and that you've all browsed the new shop?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Searching for the Right Kitten - Part 5

Ooo... We're busy getting the house tidy today and tomorrow... So nothing special to write just now... The breeder of the litter we will be viewing next weekend has offered to drop us back home after the visit as she doesn't live to far from us - isn't that nice? So I'm in a total panic that she might be assessing the suitability of our home for the kitten. Don says I'm over reacting and he is probably right but I just want all to be perfect...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Searching for the Right Kitten - Part 4

Ahhh... So last night I was in bed finishing off my Your Cat Magazine, June 2009 issue, when I asked Don "why don't you have a read of it?" I was worried that he wasn't learning enough about cats and how to look after them as I know that he hasn't had a pet cat before... To my surprise he turned to me and said that he had been doing a lot of research on the bengal pedigree while I had been out of the house! Oh my god! He knows more about the specific breed we will be purchasing than I do! Now I know my basic from hands on experience while growing up with numerous cats but I have never really looked into researching a specific breed... No I have to do some catching up... lol...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Searching for the Right Kitten - Part 3

Well last night Don and I received some photos of the litter we are going to view in two weeks and they are adorable! I'm so excited... I wish I could see them now... I've been saying to Don that I wish we could have two... Naughty me! I must be good...

I was reading my Your Cat Magazine, June 2009 issue, last night. I find it very informative - note: must look at their website - and came across an article informing readers that June is National Vaccination Month! So for all you cat lovers here's some more information for you...

If you have allowed your cat's vaccinations to lapse, you may be able to get a full course of vaccinations for the price of a booster - a saving of up to £30.00! Cats are set to benefit from the health campaign, National Vaccination Month June 2009, which is taking place to help stamp out killer diseases such as:

- Cat 'flu, which affects an estimated 160,000 cats and kittens each yearin the UK.

- Feline leukaemia, a virus which suppresses the cat's immune system - often causing cance, anaemia and death.

- Feline enteritis, which cause severe vomiting, loss of appetite, fever and abdominal pain.

Keeping up-to-date with your cat's vaccinations will ensure your cat is protected from these potentially life threatening diseases. Log onto to print your voucher and find your nearest participating vet. (information gathered from Your Cat Magazine, June 2009 issue)

Here's a couple of photos of the kittens we are eager to see...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Searching for the Right Kitten - Part 2

Here's a picture I created for a contest on


The contest was to represent a holiday in the month of June and I didn't know this but on the 4th June in America it is Hug Your Cat Day! Woohoo! I just wish I could have my future little kitty to hug now... By the way, June is also the American Humane's Adopt-A-Cat Month so for those of you who are interested here is some more information...

Each year, thousands of kittens are born during spring and summer -- and many end up in animal shelters, waiting for loving homes. To promote adoptions of these playful, affectionate animals, American Humane celebrates Adopt-A-Cat Month® in June.

Adopt a cat from your local shelter today. Adopting a cat will enrich your world in so many different ways. Here’s how:

- Cats will keep you entertained with their playful antics.
- Cats are very affectionate and love to cuddle with you.
- Having a cat can reduce your blood pressure and prevent heart disease.
- Cats are very clean -- they bathe themselves!
- Cats are independent and can be left alone while you are at work.
- Cats do not need to be housebroken -- using the litter box comes naturally to them.
- Cats do not need a lot of space. They are perfect pets for apartments and smaller homes.
- Taking care of a cat can help teach a child responsibility and humane values.
- Cats get plenty of exercise living indoors. Just 15 minutes of playtime each day will satisfy a cat.

If you would like further information with regards to Adopt-A-Cat Month®, please visit the American Humane's website:

And our search continues...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Searching for the Right Kitten - Part 1

I'm so excited! My landlord has finally given me the permission to have a cat in the house, which I have been renting with my long-term partner, Don, for nearly two years now. Woohoo! I just love kitties! Although it was difficult bringing Don around to the idea of having a pet cat at first, he is now as excited as I am. He has chosen the breed - we are to have a full bred bengal kitten.

So our search has begun to find our 'little buddy' as Don put it on Saturday evening while we were out having a quick pint at the pub before meeting his family for a meal out. We have searched the internet high and low for bengal breeders in our area, calling them and enquiring about their litters. We have discussed and rediscussed our options and are now in contact with a breeder, arranging to view our first litter of kittens in a couple of weeks! Until then we are hooked on youtube videos and cat magazines and gathering all the information we can get to become good cat owners.