Monday, November 09, 2009

Bottle Top!

OMC! It's one of my favorite toys! *Meeeooow*

Ooo! Bottle top!!!

Now Nishiko, don't you interrupt me in my bottle top play...

Don't you worry, My Dear Xanthe, I'm just going to be sitting up here and continue my sunbathing...

Good sisfur!... Now come here my lovely grey bottle top! *Meeeooow*

Xanthe xxx


Nishiko xxx

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Wordless Wednesday?... Not really!

Meows and Purrs to All!

OMC! We've moved! It was a horrible journey! My Dear Xanthe and Me protested our little hearts off in the machine with wheels but Mummy and the Bald Man would not let us out for a very long time... I started bitching towards the end of the journey... I had to because I needed the toilet and I was getting fed up of being stuck in my kitty carrier for so long!

I cried and cried and cried. I was determined to get out of my kitty carrier but Mummy was not having any of it. I was so surprised. I kept crying myself to sleep I was crying so much. Neither Nishiko or Me enjoy the machine with wheels.

But that was a couple of weeks ago and we are now settled into our temporary accommodation.

Yes. We are staying for the moment with Mummy's family until Daddy joins us and then we will moving into our next permanent home *Meow*

We'll tell you more about it in the next coming weeks. For now here are a few photos of us and other Kitizens from Mummy's family!

Nishiko and Xanthe



This is Princess Ziya, she belongs to Mummy's Mum and Partner. She has lovely blue eyes!

This is big boy Matty, he belongs to Mummy's Mum and Partner. He spends most of his days sleeping and most of his nights hunting - a typical Kitizen.

This is Elmo, she belongs to one of Mummy's Sisters and Partner. She's an indoor Kitizen who likes to play alot like us!

Xanthe xxx


Nishiko xxx

Text update: As from the 04/11/2009 Nishiko's text will appear in a pinkie hue as the yellow hue was difficult to read. Kitty xxx

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Mews!

Purrs and Meows to All!

Mummy's PC wouldn't work for most of this week so she couldn't post anything on it for us. We were all so upset. What a 'come back'! *MOL...*

But it seems to be working now so here we are!

Mummy and Daddy are letting us out and about in the garden, now! It's very different to the house.

There are so many different smells outside in the funny green grass.

There are lots of funny flying things too. I like it a lot outside and I don't like to come in again. I can climb up the wooden fences and Daddy has to get me down. I can also get out from under them and Mummy gets afraid and has to get me back in the house. She tells me off for it too.

Then we're both put back inside for the rest of the day... Thank you very much, My Dear Xanthe!

Mummy was crying yesterday. We're not sure why. We think it's something to do with a video Daddy showed her of us when we were smaller? She said we're growing up too quickly? Are we?

I don't think so, let's have a look... Here's us at 7 weeks... (Xanthe is linking Daddy's finger and I am watching)...

Here we are 10 weeks later... Me and then My Dear Xanthe...

Hmmm... What do you think?

Xanthe xxx

Nishiko xxx

Friday, September 18, 2009

It's Catwalk Caturday!

First we have Xanthe, a young female bengal kitten of 4 months modeling a sitting pose. Xanthe loves her cuddles and kisses and she likes to hunt for the highest spot in the house, her favourite toy is the paper ball.

Second we have Nishiko, a 4 month old bengal kitten modeling a lying position. Nishiko's favourite toy is her Rattle-Snake, she chirps at it if it does not behave and then takes it away to tell it off!

N.B> Xanthe and Nishiko are sisters!

Don't forget to vote for Misha to help her win the NZ's Next Top Cat Model - Just click the picture/link below! GO MISHA!!!

Vote Misha for NZ's Next Top Cat Model

Please note that Misha is also collecting donations for the SPCA and Lonely Miaow Charities. If you would like to help these organisations please click the link below:


What we're doing to make a difference:

helping animals whenever and whereever we are needed. Our national and regional programmes support our inspectors to lower the incidence of cruelty and to educate on humane animal treatment.

Our track record:

In 2007 our branches re-homed over 20,000 animals and successfully prosecuted 148 animal cruelty cases. At a national level, the de-sexing caravan provided over 6,000 de-sexing operations to low income families as of April 2008.

Lonely Miaow:

About Us:

What we're doing to make a difference:

Rescuing stray and abandoned cats and kittens around the greater Auckland area, caring for them in foster homes, and finding them loving homes.

Our track record:

We rescue and rehome over 1000 cats and kittens per year - a number which increases every year.

We're Back!

Purrs and Meows to All!

We are very sorry that we have not been able to post for nearly a week or has it been over a week now?

Mummy has not been up for it, has she?

Nope. She has not been great this week.

Nope. Too much pain.

She has been to the human V-E-T and she has been upset and she has been crying a lot.

Daddy has been looking after her and so have we.

But she is going back to work in a few days so she has been getting active again.

But she still cries sometimes and sleeps a lot still.

We hope she will be ok.

Yes. She has to go back to the human V-E-T in a few days for some kind of scan so they can see what is happening inside her!

That sounds horrible! I hope it does not hurt her *Meow*

Mummy told me that it does not hurt, Nishiko, but that she has to drink a lot of water and then she will need to go to the human litter box afterwards.

How strange!

I know! Let's have a look at Daddy's new shoes!


*Meow* Very nice!

And they smell so good!

But Daddy won't let us near them *Meow*

I wonder why?...

Xanthe xxx

Nishiko xxx

Monday, September 14, 2009

Homer's Odyssey - An Extract...

Hi All,

I would so like to get this book, this Christmas! *lol*

It's a true story of a Cat named Homer and his owner, Gwen Cooper.

Due to a severe infection at birth, Homer had both eyes removed at the age of just 2 weeks old and the book recounts how he has survived without his sight.

Check out this extract, which the author reads out herself, with Homer playing in catnip in the background - isn't he handsome?!

Kitty xxx

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

A Day Without Cats on the Internet - Paw Nation

Now the PawNation website mentions the Day without Cats BUT they mention it with tact then the Urlesque website who may I add are talking absolute shite - especially with that pathetic video of theirs!

PawNation take note of how Cats have enriched the web with their adorable antics and energies, filling our Facebooks and inboxes with plenty of awws and lols. They say that we should be seeing today as a sort of "Labor Day for Kitties" if you will or a day off for all Cats.

Now if someone had said that in the first place maybe there wouldn't be so much anger flying around the Cat Blogs?

A Day Without Cats on the Internet - Paw Nation

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Wordless Wednesday

Monday, September 07, 2009

Nishiko's Monday Update

Meow to All!

I'm back! Check Me out!

Looking to the right... See my eye make-up?

Looking to the left... See my eye make-up?!

Here's my beautiful face for you to drool over... See? See?! *Purrs*

Do you like my eye make-up?! I like my eye make-up and thought I would show it off to all of my Kitizen furiends! *Purrs*

Me having a heart to furry heart on the fridge - I am in Xanthe's box. We share it now...

"Well, Daddy I know I shouldn't be weeing on the carpets and I am grateful for the our baby kitty litter tray being put under the table and I am going to use it more often but some times accidents do happen. Like yesterday some wee wee squirted out of the baby kitty litter tray. I think may be it was my fault. I was squatting on the edge but I will make sure that I squat further inside the baby kitty litter tray. Mummy saw me and tidied it up for me. I'm sorry."

Daddy is a very good listener.

Nishiko xxx

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Pet Fashion Week!

Calling all Kitizen Fashionistas! Check out the Pet Fashion Week NY 2009 Website! The event took place on August 22nd and 23nd but I've only just heard about... *lol*

The show had featured a variety of pet accessories, apparel and lifestyle items from a selection of internation companies.

Here are a couple of links to videos from last year's shows from NY and Japan! *drools*

Ha! By the way, dogs are not a man's best friend, cats are! Can we show them how it's really done?

I hope you find it interesting! I couldn't find much on Cats unfortunately, which is frustrating!

Kitty xxx

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Keep Smiling!

Hi All!



Just thought I'd inform all the UK bloggers that it is Pet Smile Month. *smiles*

This means that selected vets in your area will be offering free dental check for you furries! Please check the link below to find the nearest vet in your location:

During September over 1500 V-E-T practices across the UK will be providing FREE DENTAL CHECK-UPS. Not only that but they will be distruting 250,000 Goody Bages to cat and dog owners, which will contain special offers and sample of Pedigree DentaStix and Whiskas DentaBits! So go and and make your appointment! *smiles*

It is important to remember that a high percentage of pets are in need of dental treatment but that most dental diseases are treatable. Certainly the vast majority of the diseases are preventable.

By following this second link, you'll be able to download Guides to Dentistry for cat and/or dog owners, which have been designed to give you a lot of information that you can read from home!


So, Don, Xanthe and Nishiko keep me smiling. As you know I have not been well and it will probably take some time before I am 100% better - still got tests to be done at hospital before they know what is wrong with me. So please bear with me if I can't get to the PC or haven't got enough energy to keep you updated with Xanthe and Nishiko's little daily adventures. I am back at work on a part-time basis, haha! My boss can't keep me away even though I am quite teary and still in pain but I love to work - am I strange? Hmmm, yes! *lol*

Kitty xxx

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Xanthe's Late Night Report

Meow to All!

*Meow* Nishiko and Me can jump higher each day! We can jump onto the Kitchen Tops now! We have seen so many things before Mummy and Daddy have put them away *Meow*.

Mummy and Daddy are checking up on us more often now than ever especially when we sneak off into the Kitchen... My favorite place in on top of the Big White Machine that keeps all the food for Mummy and Daddy. There is a box on top of the Big White Machine with little boxes inside it that keeps changing every day or two! It's nice to go there to relax and sleep *Purrs*. Sometimes I even share it with Nishiko.

There are lots of sponges in the Kitchen too! Nishiko is particular fond of sponges but now Mummy and Daddy hide them from us. We can't find them anywhere now. But it is fun exploring the tops. We never know what crumbs we're going to find on them but we're both seem to be getting sore tummies seen trying the different crumbs and Mummy is worried about the smells coming from the litterbox...

Xanthe xxx

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nishiko's Tittery Tuesday

I've been sulking today...

Why, you may be asking? Well, Mummy forgot to do my Monday Update, yesterday! That's why!

I sat on her desk in front of her flat box with lots of buttons on it while she was doing other things on her multicoloured flat box. I tried to get in her way. I meowed at her and sat on the flat box with lots of buttons on it. But she just moved Me to one side and said "it's too late now darling" and apologised to Me and said "we'll do something tomorrow". *Meow*

Then today just before kitty bickie time Mummy yelled at Daddy and they got all panicky and then suddenly they put My Dear Xanthe and Me into our Kitty Carrier and we were taken by foot along the horrible path - with all the scarey noisy machines on wheels next to it - to the V-E-T! Daddy's Mummy couldn't take us in her machine on wheels like usual but met us there to take us home. My Dear Xanthe and Me were horrified! The V-E-T stuck that thing up both of our bottoms. Oh it was horrible! It was painful! Then a prick on the back of our necks! For the first time I realised what a woofy was, too! *Meow*

I was not pleased.

I've been weeing on the carpet again to show how displeased I am. I was trying to cover up one of my 'accidents' this afternoon and ended up having an argument with Mummy about Me not wanting to go in the litterbox but I just wanting to cover things up. I go Mummy very confused! *Meow*

But one curious thing that Mummy has been doing is that she has been designing a book for her and Daddy. A book with pictures of My Dear Xanthe and Me! Oh, I think it's looking pretty good. I want to share the website with all you Kitizens so that you can get your Mummys and Daddys to create books of you! Then we can all be famous together! *purrs*

Ok, I suppose I should show my Cuteness to you now that I've said my part...

Purrs to you all!

Nishiko xxx

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Video Blogging 4

Enjoy this video of Xanthe!
A video of Nishiko will be appearing on the blog within the next few days.

Kitty x

Friday, August 21, 2009

Whiskas Articles

Whiskas Articles

An Article with regards to a kitten's body language. Enjoy.

Kitty x

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Whiskas Articles

Whiskas Articles

An Article with regards to the different sounds kittens make to communicate with their owners. Enjoy.

Kitty x

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Xanthe's Thursday Update

Meow to All!

It was Daddy's birthday yesterday day! Happy Birthday to My Daddy! *Meow meow meow* He got lots of colourful cards which Mummy put up high so that Nishiko and me can't get to them and chew them. Mummy let Nishiko and me choose a present each to give to him which I think he liked receiving too. Mummy called them books. Daddy likes reading lots and lots of books! Books makes peoples very smart! Daddy is the smartest man I know! *purrs* So Nishiko and me were very good with Daddy yesterday.

Mummy gave me a clawicure today. She trimmed all my claws and even filed them which felt funny. She said she was bored being at home with her bad back even when Nishiko and me try to keep her busy. Nishiko isn't too fond of the clawicure. I'm only just getting used to it.

Oh dear! The other day Daddy and Mummy put Nishiko and me in the big pink bowl full of water! It was horrible and we both got very wet and spent a lot of time grooming ourselves to get dry afterwards. But Mummy made it up to us afterwards by doing a photoshoot which she says she'll post this weekend. So make sure you look out for that...

Xanthe xxx

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Nishiko 'smiling' on Daddy's shoulders

Nishiko enjoying a nibble on Daddy's jumper

Xanthe posing adorably!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nishiko's Monday Update (late edition)

Purrs to all!

Tis is a photo of me on my Daddy's back. I think Daddy's shoulders and back are really comfortable and I can see a lot from up there. Plus his hair tickles my nose and is nice to chew on *purrs*

Mummy is still off work with her bad back, she told us that she'll be off for the whole of this week, so My Dear Xanthe and me will need to keep her busy! If anyone has any ideas on how we can do this please let us know as my usual weeing on the carpet seems to be having the wrong effect on her *meow*

Mummy came home from the human V-E-T today with some treats for Xanthe and me. New kitty bickies! Very tasty! Royal Canin? Very tasty! Mummy says we are only allowed a few each day to make them last, which is ok I suppose. Mummy also bought Your Cat Magazine, September issue, which she says she's going to read it to us when Daddy is out at work this week so that we can learn things! Ooo... I get to tell you interesting things about us Kitizens in future posts, ooo...

I would like to say at this point, congratulations to Harley who won the Cutest Cat Photo Contest on Facebook *purrs* Well done Handsome Harley, hehe... I came in a good 7th place, which I am quite proud of...

That's all from me tonight, I'm off to play with Xanthe.

Nishiko xxx

Friday, August 14, 2009

Furriend Friday!

Hello Everyone!

Xanthe, Nishiko and I would like to introduce you to some Northern Irish Furriends of ours. They belong to some very good friends of mine...

This is Diego, she belongs to Stormo.

This is Miracle, she belongs to Greamer.

Diego and Miracle or littermates, Stormo and Greamer are sisters!

Miracle gave birth to her first litter of 4 Kittens 5 weeks ago. There are 2 females and 2 males. There names are M.J, Darcy, Indie and Hunter. Darcy and Indie will soon be moving into there new home with their auntie-cat, Diego and Stormo. So they won't be far from there litter mates! Oh it's just one big happy family over there! *smiles*

Greamer tells me that the kittens are so playful and that Miracle is looking after them well.

Here's a photo of the cheeky little Kittens, aren't they adorable?! Indie is having a nibble on M.J's bottom! *lol*

Kitty xxx

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Xanthe's Thursday Update

Meow to All!

I hope everyone is well tonight?

OMC! Congratulations to handsome Misha, the Next Top Cat Model for New Zealand. I feel so lucky to be part of a group of multi-talented Kitizens... Daisy, I liked your Catnip Haiku, I asked Mummy if she could teach me to become a Kitizen Poet, she said that it might take some time but she'll give it a go *purrs*... Fin, you are lovely and a little daring... I'm exploring the sink at the moment, still not to sure about the water that comes out of the silver hole!... Dante? So handsome for an older Cat but are you sure you're not a Lion? *meow* Ooo...

My Mummy is poorly again. She has bad pains in her back. She cries out at times. She can't stand for long. She lies down or sits in her Computer Chair. She can't play with us alot. So Nishiko and I cuddle up to her when we can to keep comfy *purrs* On her Computer Chair *purrs* Mummy got into the big sink today. It was filled with lots of water and white stuff. She was still in pains as she cried out abit when she was in there. Nishiko and I kept an eye on her from a distant. Daddy was out at the time. But Daddy has been home looking after Mummy too. We're one big happy family.

Nishiko is nudging me... hold on... what?

Tell them about my contest and Handsome Harley!

Alright and then I've got to go.

Thank you! *meow*

Nishiko is at 6th place and we had a nice surprise this morning as we found Handsome Harley in 7th! Now Nishiko still wants Citizens and Kitizens to vote for her but she wants them to vote for Handsome Harley too! So now we have two links for you to click on:

I reckon Nishiko has a crush on Harley!

With that I say my goodbyes and go to cuddle up with My Daddy.

Xanthe xxx

Animals Matter

'Animals Matter To Me' represents the biggest ever global animal welfare initiative linking the entire animal welfare movement under one strategic goal - global recognition that animals are sentient beings, capable of feeling pain and suffering.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Hello Everyone!

Isn't it all going so well? I'm have fun, Don's having fun and the girls are whizzing around the house having a great time! *smiles*

Xanthe and Nishiko have started to claim my PC chair as their own for the better part of the evenings this week and here is a picture to prove it...

Nishiko and Xanthe in Mummy's Computer Chair

I've ended up perching on a cushion on the floor, with my chin resting on the desk! *lol*

I feel like I'm becoming more cat like each week or rather more in sync with the girls each week. We seem to understand each other. Yesterday, I was on the floor on all fours chasing the girls around with a toy! hehe... The most fulfilling part of it is when the Kittens run up to you when you come home from work in the evenings, crying 'Hello Mummy!' and asking for a cuddle and a play before being fed. Yeah, I'm having great fun and I love them to bits...

Nishiko is doing very well in her current photo contest, for those who are following it, you'll be aware that she's made it to 6th place in just a matter of 2 days and there are 4 more days of voting to go! So for those of you who would still like to vote for her and help her reach 1st place *lol* here's the link to her voting page:

I don't think you actually need to sign into Facebook to vote, just click the big green vote button and it'll add you're IP address to the voting poll.

Well that's it from me tonight, I hope you're all well.

Hugs and kisses,

Kitty xxx

Xanthe and Nishiko Asleep in Mummy's Computer Chair